Agriculture and Rural Development

Ex-ante evaluation of the Rural Development Programme for the period 2014 – 2020

Analysis of the current situation in the context of preparation of the RDP 2014-2020; SWOT analysis and definition of the needs for proper formation of the preparation of the Measures and expected impact; Assessment of the Intervention logic and its Impact on the distribution of budgets between the measures; Analysis and evaluation of the relevance of the measures and the RDP with reference to the Strategy 2020; Analysis and evaluation of the horizontal impact and cohesion of RDP with the other Programs financed by the structural funds of EU and discussions with the stakeholders and involved parties; Technical assistance of MAF in the program preparation and discussions with the stakeholders and involved parties; Liaison with the EC during the process of approval of the RDP. Seminars and workshops on dedicated themes of direct interest of MAF; participation in Thematic Working Groups and public hearing; Evaluation of the efficiency and effectiveness of the RDP. The work include preparation of Draft Ex-ante Evaluation Report and Final Ex-ante Evaluation Report

  • Country Bulgaria
  • Starting date 2013
  • Completion date 2014
  • Amount € 204,000.00
  • Donors EU (European Union)