Agriculture and Rural Development

External Quality Control under Digitisation of Land Parcel Identification System

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the objective of Turkey for having an area based agricultural support system in line with EU best practices and EU acquis through the full establishment of IACS and establishment and implementation of LPIS in the whole country where through such system, all available agricultural land in the country will be recorded, un/misclaimed areas will be identified, the payments will be directly addressed to the farmers together with creating a base for the management of environmental and rural developing actions. The purpose of this contract is: To provide External Quality Control (EQC) services to assures the same level of geographical data quality and consistency, support the Beneficiary with monitoring and evaluating of the delivered products of orthophoto creation and LPIS digitization contracts covering the whole country which will be used for further implementation of IACS and as background data for other related measures.

  • Country Turkey
  • Starting date 2014
  • Completion date 2017
  • Amount € 4,084,000.00
  • Donors EU (European Union)