Agriculture and Rural Development, Technical Assistance
Food and Nutrition Security Expert – Multi-sectoral Approaches to Nutrition
Global objective (i) To support the government to coordinate, roll out and monitor its Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Action Plan. Specific objective(s) (i)To support MAF in coordinating with the other relevant sectors4 in government to better achieve MAF’s obligations as laid out in the Convergent Plan; (ii)To support MAF in contributing to a monitoring framework for the Convergent Plan, including nutrition-sensitive indicators. To support MAF “to translate the Convergent Plan from theory to operational reality” by advising on nutrition-sensitive components to be incorporated into the implementation of agricultural activities at the subnational level.
- Country Laos
- Starting date 2015
- Completion date 2016
- Amount € 269,572.00
- Donors EU (European Union)

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