Technical Assistance, Agro-Industry, Marketing and Trade
FRENCH POLYNESIA: Technical Assistance for the formulation/design of the next European Union – French Polynesia cooperation program for the period 2021-2027 (SIEA Request 2018-7954-1)
The Main Objective of the mission is to provide technical assistance to French Polynesia for the design / formulation of the new cooperation program for the period 2021-2027 (territorial envelope), as well as a training service in budget support .
The Specific Objectives are:
- SO1: Provide required technical assistance to French Polynesia for the formulation/design of its territorial program 2021-2027 and the drafting of the Action Document and its annexes, until their formal approval by the services of the office of the ‘European Union. The formulation will be based on the multi-annual indicative program (PIM) of French Polynesia.
- SO2: Analyze the sectoral policy relevant to the priority area of the PIM, the management of public finances and the macroeconomic situation of French Polynesia, Assistance in drafting deliverables will be based on EU document standards/templates in effect at the time of drafting.
- SO3: Ensure understanding and build stakeholder capacity on budget support (as a territorial program implementation modality).
- Country French Polynesia
- Starting date 01/2022
- Completion date 01/2023
- Amount 110 660 00
- Donors EU (European Union)

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