Information Technology, Procurement
Madagascar “Fourniture et mise en service de matériels d’exploitation de réseaux routiers – Lot 1”
The object of the contract is the furniture, delivery, fitting and installation, commissioning, and after-sales service of the following supplies:
- Automatic traffic counter
- Odometer
- Laser rangefinder
- Differential GPS
- Equipment for visual inspection and visual survey of roadway degradation
- Navigation GPS
- Digital cameras
- Road management and operation tool pack
- Mobile mapping system pack
- Road network control and inspection equipment pack
- For the MTP Anosy Office, Information System Department.
Warranty valid for 12 months
- Country Madagascar
- Starting date 2021
- Cpmpletion date 2023
- Amount 499 711,46 Euro
- Donors EU (European Union)

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