Monitoring & Evaluation
Smallholder Coffee Project – Mid-Term Evaluation
The aim of the project is to recreate a viable smallholder coffee sub-sector in Northern Malawi through assisting the SCFT. The objectives concern: (i) a sustainable farmer-managed organisational set-up; (ii) increasing production at prices that are remunerative to farmers; and (iii) realisation of premium prices through good processing and marketing. The main purpose of this interim evaluation is to assess current progress of the project and to recommend on the needs for adjustment to the original project formulation described in the FMO signed at the end of 2002. The evaluation will provide the Project Steering Committee with an answer if the project resources are /will be used effectively and if changes are appropriate. At the same time the evaluation may provide guidance to the Board of Trustee and the General Manager of the SCFT on the way to proceed, particularly on smallholder coffee practices which have proven to be successful in other countries.
- Country Malawi
- Starting date 2004
- Completion date 2004
- Amount € 49,150.00
- Donors EU (European Union)