Scientific & Analytical Instrumentation

Supply of laboratory equipment for tests evaluation of contaminants in environmental matrices, chemicals and fuels – Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay EuropeAid/132987/D/SUP/Multi – Lots 1, 2 and 3

The contract objective is the acquisition, installation and commissioning of laboratory equipment and supply of reagents / standards in a defined number of laboratories in the four Mercosur member states, in order to strengthen their ability to execute and prove control trials BCF and environmental contaminants in environmental matrices (water and soil), toxicity and quality of liquid fuels in the context of the implementation of the Globally Harmonized System of classification and Labelling of chemicals (GHS). It also includes the training under contract to operate the equipment properly.

  • Country Argentina
  • Starting date 2012
  • Completion date 2013
  • Amount € 124,000.00
  • Donors EU (European Union)