Animal Health, Fisheries and Food Safety
Supply of laboratory equipment for the Central Laboratory of the State Phytosanitary Service and of the National Service for Animal Health of the Ministry of Agriculture (PROMESAFI) Lots 3-5-11-12
The State Phytosanitary Service and the National Animal Health Service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Costa Rica, through the Project PROMESAFI, funded by European Union, intends to contribute to export growth and socio-economic development of the country, improving compliance with SPS measures of the European Union to facilitate access of agricultural products, livestock, aquaculture and fish products to the European market,. It’s foreseen, among other things, to improve and expand itsinfrastructure, modernize its laboratory equipments and train their staff in handling laboratory equipment certificates of analysis methods and diagnosis.
- Country Costa Rica
- Starting date 2012
- Completion date 2016
- Amount € 713,018.00
- Donors EU (European Union)

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