Agriculture and Rural Development
Technical audit of the budgetary support of PASA 2003
The objective is to verify from a technical point of view the relevance and the efficacy of the activities foreseen in terms of institutional reform of the MAEP and of the support to the EPP/PADR. In particular : (i) assess the relevance of the actions done within the management of the reform of the MAEP (ii) judge the efficacy of the actions undertook within the framework of the PASA 2003, aimed to reform the MAEP; (iii) assess the materiality of the actions done in terms of the investments and of recruitment/training of personnel in the EPP, in the Observatory of the rice (OdR), in the GTDR as foreseen in the specific protocol (PS) 01/2005-PASA 2003/EPP/PADR; (iv) assess under what aspects the actions done within the framework of the execution of the protocol EPP/PADR contribute to meet the objective of improvement of the decision making in terms of food security and of rural development at national and regional level, through the strengthening of the MAEP analytical, monitoring and policy implementation capacities.
- Country Madagascar
- Starting date 2007
- Completion date 2008
- Amount € 49,000.00
- Donors EU (European Union)