Agro-Industry, Marketing and Trade, Technical Assistance
Turkish Cypriot Community – Market Surveillance Capacity Development
The overall objective aims to advance the integration of the TCc market with the EU single market and to enhance the business environment for the TCc economic operators.
Moving away from the pre-import permits system. The purpose of this project is to facilitate the TCc to transition from a system based on pre-permits to the market surveillance system in line with EU acquis. This should be done by strengthening the capacity of market surveillance bodies in the selected non-food sectors, by developing strategies and plans, by achieving coordination and cooperation between actors, by training product controllers, and by performing relevant awareness raising activities.
– Task 1 – Assessment of the current situation and generation of a needs’ analysis report
– Task 2 – Development and implementation of an integral and functioning market surveillance plan in consensus with the “local administration” – Task 3 – Market surveillance technical assistance and capacity development – Task 4 – Development and implementation of a market surveillance communication and awareness-raising strategy towards the “local administration”, consumers and economic operators – Task 5 – Identification and preparation of an IT infrastructure supply proposal, including specific needs to appropriately support the implementation of a market surveillance system – Task 6 –Support the correct use of EU funded metrology and product safety testing equipment supplied, including through on-the-job training and design of appropriate procedures for their use as part of a market surveillance system. |
- Country Turkish Cypriot Community
- Starting date 03/2024
- Completion date 03/2026
- Amount 967 062 00
- Donors EU (European Union)