Technical Assistance, Animal Health, Fisheries and Food Safety

ZAMBIA – Aquaculture Project-Technical Assistance (ZAP-TA), Zambia – Ref.: INTPA/LUN/2021/EA-RE/0061

The overall objective of the project of which this contract will be a part of is to increase productivity, income and employment opportunities of emergent, small and medium scale fish farmers.


The purpose of this contract is: “To formulate, prepare, manage and implement a four (4) year multi-annual programme estimate under result area 5 “Increased productivity, income and employment opportunities of emergent, small and medium scale fish farmer” of the “Support to the Sustainable Commercialisation of Zambia’s Smallholder Farmers” programme.”

  • Country Zambia
  • Starting date 2022
  • Completion date 2026
  • Amount Euro 942 500 00
  • Donors EU (European Union)