Information Technology
AGT started its experience in the field of supply of Information Technology with the implementation of supply contract of laboratory equipment in which the IT was always been an important factor.
Thanks to the experience gained in many years of successfully implemented laboratory equipment project, AGT has started to look at directly to projects in which the Information Technology (HW and SW) is the main good to be supplied.
AGT suppliers in this field spread from the European Union to the USA and China with a thorough knowledge of market and its fast evolutions.

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Select continents
- Europe
- Asia
- North America
- South America
- Africa
- Oceania

Information Technology
Madagascar | 2021 — 2023
Madagascar “Fourniture et mise en service de matériels d’exploitation de réseaux routiers – Lot 1”

Information Technology
Guatemala | 2020 — 2020
Contrato número LA-2019/409-299 “Suministro de equipamientos informáticos y equipo para el laboratorio del Sistema Nacional de la Calidad del CENAME y los laboratorios de Ensayo del MAGA y el MSPAS – LOT 1”

Information Technology
Macedonia [fyrom] | 1998 — 2001
Procurement for the State Statistical Office in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia