19 May 2021


The European Union, through EuropeAid intervened in favour of the Ministry of Finance of the State of Palestine, to provide for the supply of sports and medical equipment in  the two prison facilities of Nablus and Jenin.


AGT International was selected as contractor to ensure the delivery, installation and training of the equipment. Between March and April of this year, the implementation of the supplies was completed for a total contract value of over half a million Euro.


The medical equipment includes the setting up of two twin structures in each prison, composed of a doctor’s clinic for general health visits of all kinds, an analysis laboratory, a dental clinic, and an emergency unit for small interventions and for short hospital stays: for a total of about 900 items of medical supply.


The execution of contract should have been completed last summer (2020), but due to the pandemic it suffered several delays, both in the shipment of sports equipment from China and in the shipment of medical equipment: the Italian distributor ran into export restrictions until last autumn, imposed by the emergency.  In addition to the Covid crisis which has also led to slowdowns on Palestinian territory – some delays have accumulated due to the checks provided by the Israeli authorities: the transit of the entire shipment took place via the port of Haifa.


The management of the two contracts was entrusted to Giancarlo Andreella as project manager of AGT International, while on the side of the Palestinian Ministry of Finance the contract was managed by the Chief of Procurement of the Palestinian civil police, a colonel, supported by a lieutenant engineer of the police department.