19 October 2023

UGANDA – “Development of Commodity Value Chain, Platforms and Market linkages for: Lot 1:  Kabuyanda Irrigation Scheme in Isingiro District & Matanda Irrigation Scheme in Kanungu District”



AGT  is proud to announce that has been awarded the WB funded  Project in Uganda “Development of Commodity Value Chain, Platforms and Market linkages for: Lot 1:  Kabuyanda Irrigation Scheme in Isingiro District & Matanda Irrigation Scheme in Kanungu District”.


The  Overall  Objective  of  the  assignment is to  support  the  development  of  values  chains, commodity platforms and market  linkages  to  improve post-harvest handling, processing  and  marketing  of  the  selected  agricultural  commodities  in  Kabuyanda and  Matanda  Irrigation Schemes.


The contract, which started the 11th October 2023, has a duration of 30 months.