Agriculture and Rural Development
Agricultural Policy Support – Strengthening the Capacity of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy
Review the state of preparedness of MAFWE to meet its obligations under the SAA, WTO accession and other FTAs. The consultant will develop against the background of the SAA, the EC Multiannual indicative Programme and Country Strategy Paper for fYR Macedonia and the CARDS 2003 financing proposal and CARDS 2004 indicative financing proposal a prioritised plan of actions which will in the short and medium term significantly improve the MAFWE’s capabilities to meet not only the requirements of the aforementioned free trade agreements but develop and implement policies which ensure that the agricultural economy derives the maximum benefit from these. This will not only take into account work done thus far under ISMA but ensure that its first achievements in terms of legal reform, policy analysis, awareness of MAFWE management for the need for structural change and that of a pro-active human resource management and work ethics will be consolidated by the CARDS 2003 and 2004 interventions to be defined under this contract.
- Country Macedonia [fyrom]
- Starting date 2003
- Completion date 2004
- Amount € 44,000.00
- Donors EU (European Union)