Agriculture and Rural Development
Supervisión y Control de Calidad del Proceso de Catastro, Titulación, Registro de Predios Rurales Individuales, Comunidades Campesinas y Comunidades NativasTechnical, legal, social, environmental and execution supervision activities of the cadaster, titling and registration of individual rural properties, peasant communities and native communities in the areas of intervention of the PTRT 3
The purpose of the project is
Preparation of a supervision work plan and quality control for the execution of this service:
1. Review and validate the supervision reports of Stage 1: Survey of information and Legal and Environmental Socio-environmental Diagnosis performed in lots 1, 2, 3 and 4
2. Supervision and control of the quality of the products obtained in stage 2: work plan, intermediate products and final products of the consulting firms in the cadastre, titling and registration of rural properties, peasant communities and native communities of each of the lots
3. Supervision and fulfillment of the conditions established in the contracts signed between the Executing Entity for the Management of Sectoral Projects and the consulting firms of lots 1, 2, 3 and 4
4. Supervise that the consulting firm complied with the social and environmental safeguards of the IDB and timely and adequately implement socio-environmental and anthropological management instruments.
- Country Peru
- Starting date 2019
- Completion date 2021
- Amount 3 758.822 $
- Donors IADB (Inter American Development Bank)