Agriculture and Rural Development

Mid-term evaluation of the SAPARD programme for the implementation period 2000-2003

The specific objectives of the mid-term evaluation are: (i) to improve quality and relevance of the Programme and its implementation; (ii) to identify relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of implemented SAPARD measures; (iii) to review the ex-ante evaluation of the programme for its continued appropriateness; (iv) to define adoptions in the programming which might occur in order to attain original objectives; (v) to help in determining those parts of the Programme whose follow-up, either within the Programme or in the following programming period, would be beneficial; (vi) to help adapt public financing of the measure of agriculture and rural development to the evolving situation in Poland, i.e. mechanisms of deliveries and fund allocation.

  • Country Poland
  • Starting date 2003
  • Completion date 2003
  • Amount € 200,000.00
  • Donors EU (European Union)